It is a product by many researchers, including Prof.
Dr. Jonas R. Stonis, Dr. Andrius Remeikis, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arūnas
Diškus (Nature Research Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania), Dr. M. Alma Solis
(Systematic Entomology Laboratory, ARS; United States Department of
Agriculture; and National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian
Institution, Washington D.C., USA) in cooperation with the Baltic-American
Biotaxonomy Institute (B.A.B.I.) and many other professional researchers
and devoted volunteers worldwide to whom we extend our thanks. The Website
and the research itself are constantly in progress and currently only some
geographical areas are covered by data. This project was partially funded
by a grant (S-MIP-19-30, “DiagnoStics”) from the Research Council of
Nepticulidae or pygmy moths phylogenetically are among
the most basal and primitive Lepidoptera lineages and include the world’s
smallest lepidopterans. Larvae of ecologically specialized, mostly monophagous,
Nepticulidae are usually leaf miners on various dendraceous and herbaceous plants.
However, larvae of some species live and feed in stems, bark or maple fruits;
occasionally they can be gall inducers. Some of Nepticulidae species are pests
or potential pests of cultivated plants.